YAPoolMan XML Quick Reference
XML Element |
Java Class |
<poolman> |
net.sf.yapoolman.config.PoolManInfo |
Defines setting
for the Pool Manager |
XML Element |
Description |
Default |
<jmx>? |
Jmx setting |
<global> |
True to
make a global pool manager, or create a pool manager at context level |
false |
<dataSource>* |
JDBC connection pool setting |
<objectPool>* |
Object Pool setting |
XML Element |
Java Class |
<jmx>? |
net.sf.yapoolman.config.JmxInfo |
Defines setting
for the JMX |
XML Element |
Description |
Default |
<serverName>? |
name to register the services. If server can not be found, a new server
will be created. |
yapoolman |
< domainName>? |
name used to publish services. |
DefaultDomain |
< enabled >* |
determine whether the
JMX support should be enabled |
false |
< agentPort >? |
the port number that
Sun HTML adaptor will be listened to, default is -1, which means do not
start the agent |
-1 |
XML Element |
Java Class |
<dataSource>* |
net.sf.yapoolman.config.JdbcPoolInfo |
Defines setting
for the jdbc pool. Because this class extends from object pool, all
objectPool settings can be used and thus not described here. There’s
one difference, jdbc pool treats the JNDI name as the name to bind data
source service, while object pool use it to bind the pool itself. |
XML Element |
Description |
Default |
<dbName> |
The name of the JDBC Connection pool, same as <name> of objectPool |
<driver>? |
The Class of the underlying Driver implementation EXAMPLE: org.postgresql.Driver |
<url>? |
The URL that describes the database (vendor-specific) EXAMPLE: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/empire |
<username> |
A user name valid for the database |
<password> |
The corresponding password valid for the user name |
<txIsolationLevel>? |
The transaction isolation level that should be set on each Connection object as it is created. The value of this element must be one of the following: NONE, READ_COMMITTED, READ_UNCOMMITTED, REPEATABLE_READ, SERIALIZABLE. For further explanation of these values, see the Sun javadocs for the isolation level fields in the java.sql.Connection class. These values are not case-sensitive. |
<autoCommit>? |
Whether to set connection auto commit before the connection is given to user |
false |
<connectionTimeout>? |
Same as <objectTimeout> of objectPool |
1200 |
<initPoolSql>? |
A SQL String to be executed as soon as the pool is instantiated |
<initialConnectionSql>? |
A SQL String
to be executed every time a Connection is pulled from the pool. |
<validationSql>? |
Each time a connection is requested, it is validated by the pool to ensure that it is active. If this element exists, then it is treated as a SQL query that is executed on the raw Connection (bypassing the cache) in order to ensure the Connection is valid. If this element does NOT exist (meaning it is null), then the Connection.isClosed() method is used to validate it instead. The Connection.isClosed() method is unreliable on some drivers (such as some Oracle drivers), which makes this element necessary for those drivers. |
<removeOnExceptions>? |
Whether a SQLException even causes the Connection on which it occurred to be removed from the pool. The proxy handler will check the sql code of each exception, only negative value will be treat severe enough to remove the connection. |
False |
<initialConnections>? |
The number of connections to create when the pool is instantiated. Same as <initObjects> of objectPool |
1 |
<maximumSize>? |
maximum number of objects that can possibly be maintained in the pool. |
Integer.MAX_VALUE |
XML Element |
Java Class |
<objectPool>* |
net.sf.yapoolman.config.PoolInfo |
Defines setting
for the object pool. Because this class is the base class of jdbc pool, all
its setting can be used by jdbc pool. |
XML Element |
Description |
Default |
<name> |
The name of the pool. |
<jndiName>? |
name to bind to JNDI service. |
<initialObjects>? |
The number of initial objects instances to create upon pool instantiation. |
1 |
<objectTimeout>? |
The length of time, in seconds, that each object has to live before being destroyed and removed from the pool. |
1200 |
<userTimeout>? |
The lenth of time, in
seconds, that a client has to keep an object before it can automatically
returned to its pool. |
600 |
<requestTimeout>? |
how long, in seconds, a
user can wait for an available object when request from pool. |
60 |
<maximumUseCount>? |
how many times a pooled
object can be used - check in/check out. After reach that time, it will be
destroyed |
No limit |
<checkInterval>? |
how long, in seconds, the check
thread will check the status of pooled ojects. Any value less than 1 will
be ignored, and any value greater than 600 will be treated as 600 |
60 |
<shrinkBy>? |
Each time the pool is sized down by the skimmer, this value determines the maximum number of objects that can be removed from it in any one reap cycle. It prevents backing off the pool too quickly at peak times. |
5 |
<proxyHandler>? |
class name of the proxy
handler. If it is set, the pool will return the dynamic proxy having
interfaces as indicated by proxyInterfaces. The handler will be
called before and after the proxy invication, and process the exception
caught. The proxy is created for the native object, which means, if the
object the factory created is not an instance of PooledObject, it is treat
as native, or, the pooledObject.getNative() will be called to retrieve the
native object. |
<proxyInterfaces>? |
the interfaces of the
dynamic proxy, separated by comma. The first interface's class loader will
be used to create the proxy. Must provided if proxyHandler is set |
<sticky>? |
whether keep focus on
the objects recently used, which means, a pooled object most recently gets
used will be more likely being served again. Otherwise, an object have
longer waiting time in pool will have higher priority to serve. Default is
true. |
<logger>? |
log name or category |
<factory>? |
factory setting, see Factory XML Elements |
XML Element |
Java Class |
<factory>? |
net.sf.yapoolman.config.FactoryInfo |
Defines setting for
the factory, which will create object for pool to serve to end user. |
XML Element |
Description |
Default |
<type>? |
class name, PoolMan will determine your setting and choose the right factory
between SimpleFactory - when only one server is defined and MultipleFactory
- when more than more server setting are defined. However, you can write
your own factory and use it. |
<objectType> |
class name which is created by factory, must be provided |
Only optional for JDBC |
< checkInterval>? |
seconds, determine how long the check thread will wait between each check
process. A number greater than 600 seconds will be treated as 600 seconds. |
60 |
< maximumSoft>? |
whether more objects can be created even when max size is reached |
false |
<logger>? |
name/category used by this factory |
<servers>? |
all server config information. At least one server should be defined.
Server settings are the <server> elements of
<servers>. |
XML Element |
Java Class |
<server>* |
net.sf.yapoolman.config.ServerInfo |
Defines server
settings, it is used by factory to create objects. |
XML Element |
Description |
Default |
<name> |
name of
the server. The difference between server name and pool name is that a pool
can contain objects of different servers, thus can be treat as the name of
the group of the servers |
<maxConnection>? |
many connections can be created for the server |
Integer.MAX_VALUE |
<priority>? |
with higher priority will always be used unless either they all have problems
or they are all reached their max connections. |
<weight> |
the ratio that the factory will pick the server to generate new
connections. Weight only used for servers have same priority. For example, server
A has weight of 1 and server B has 2, the factory will create 2 connections
of server B while 1 connection for server A in every 3 new connections it
creates. |
<busyStandby>? |
server will only be used when all other servers are busy - reach their max
connections |
false |
<failStandby>? |
server will only be used when all other servers have problem |
false |
<param>* |
pairs which can be used to define other server settings used to create
object. <param> has two xml elements, <name> define the key of
the pair, and <value> set the value of the pair. |
Administrative JMX Agent Elements <admin-agent> |
<class> |
The Class of the HTML Agent implementation |
yes |
<name> |
The JMX ObjectName of the agent |
yes |
<maxClients> |
The maximum number of simultaneous browser-based users the Agent will support |
yes |
<port> |
The port number on which the HTML Agent will run |
yes |
poolman.xml template |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <poolman> <jmx> <serverName>YAPoolMan</serverName> <defaultDomain>poolman</defaultDomain> <enabled>false</enabled> <agentPort>8082</agentPort> </jmx> <objectPool> <name>mypool</name> <jndiName>java:pool:mypool</jndiName> <initialObjects>10</initialObjects> <objectTimeout>600</objectTimeout> <userTimeout>30</userTimeout> <requestTimeout>10</requestTimeout> <maximumUseCount>100</maximumUseCount> <checkInterval>300</checkInterval> <shrinkBy>2</shrinkBy> <proxyHandler>my.package.MyProxyHandler</proxyHandler> <proxyInterface>my.package.IService</proxyInterface> <sticky>true</sticky> <logger>net.sf.yapoolman.pool.mypool</logger> <factory> <type>net.sf.yapoolman.factory.SimpleFactory</type> <objectType>java.lang.StringBuffer</objectType> <checkInterval>30</checkInterval> <maximumSoft>true</maximumSoft> <logger>net.sf.yapoolman.pool.mypool.factory</logger> <server> <name>server1</name> <maxConnection>20</maxConnection> <priority>0</priority> <weight>10</weight> <busyStandby>false</busyStandby> <failStandby>false</failStandby> <param> <name>server</name> <value>abc</value> </param> <param> <name>port</name> <value>123</value> </param> </server> <server> <name>server2</name> <maxConnection>20</maxConnection> <priority>0</priority> <weight>10</weight> <busyStandby>false</busyStandby> <failStandby>false</failStandby> <param> <name>server</name> <value>bcd</value> </param> <param> <name>port</name> <value>123</value> </param> </server> </factory> </objectPool> <objectPool> <name>anotherpool</name> <initialObjects>10</initialObjects> <objectTimeout>600</objectTimeout> <userTimeout>30</userTimeout> <shrinkBy>2</shrinkBy> <factory> <type>net.sf.yapoolman.factory.SimpleFactory</type> <objectType>java.lang.StringBuffer</objectType> <checkInterval>30</checkInterval> <logger>net.sf.yapoolman.pool.mypool.factory</logger> <server> <name>server1</name> <priority>0</priority> <weight>10</weight> <param> <name>server</name> <value>abc</value> </param> <param> <name>port</name> <value>123</value> </param> </server> </factory> </objectPool> <datasource> <dbName>testdb</dbName> <jndiName>java:db:testdb</jndiName> <driver>org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver</driver> <url>jdbc:hsqldb:.</url> <userName>sa</userName> <password/> <txIsolationLevel>READ_COMMITTED</txIsolationLevel> <transactionTimeout>100</transactionTimeout> <connectionTimeout>600</connectionTimeout> <initialPoolSql> insert
into users values(32, 'xml') </initialPoolSql> <initialConnectionSql> insert into users values(1010, 'con') </initialConnectionSql> <validationSql>SELECT id FROM users</validationSql> <removeOnExceptions>false</removeOnExceptions> <initialConnections>1</initialConnections> <maximumSize>10</maximumSize> <userTimeout>12</userTimeout> <requestTimeout>12</requestTimeout> <shrinkBy>10</shrinkBy> <factory> <server> <name>server1</name> <priority>0</priority> <weight>10</weight> <param> <name>url</name> <value>java:jdbc:hsqldb:testdb</value> </param> </server> </factory> </datasource> </poolman>